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Did Jesus Die, To Give Us A License to Sin?
A 'license to sin' . . . where did this ridiculous phrase come from? It is used by various ravening wolves (Mat.7:15) in pulpits; Is it Biblical? NO of course not! So . . . WHY is it used by supposed men of God if it is NOT Biblical? These heretics love to add their personal stamp (Mat.15:9) to the Holy Scriptures.
Salvation according to the Bible is quite simple that even a child or retarded person can attain eternal life. I guess these heretics think that the Holy Word of God is too simple for them and not enough for them. So they add to it, which is a SIN (Deut.4:2; 12:32; Pro.30:5-6; Gal.1:8-9; Mat.15:9).
What does the word 'license' means? License = allow a person to do something; allow complete freedom to; grant permit to person; authorize use of premises for certain purpose, etc.
So did Jesus die so that we could have a permit to sin? How utterly ridiculous! Does Eternal Security allow us complete freedom to sin, without guilt and will we eventually go to heaven? What absolute stupidity!
IF we sincerely come to the Lord Jesus Christ after the Father has called us (John 6:44), which would mean that our repentance is real, genuine, sincere and our confession of sins is genuine, WHY would we want a permit or license to carry on in sin? Does this make any sense? No way! We KNOW how much God hates sin. WHY would we WANT to sin?? IF we would want a 'license' to sin, then we really do NOT love God with our all (Mat.22:37), because we KNOW that He hates sin.
I think that anyone who claims that the "Eternal Security" doctrine gives a license to sin, have absolutely NO understanding whatsoever of what it means to REPENT. The idea of repentance is a complete mystery to them. Maybe they are still struggling with guilt of their own sin. Why would anyone go through a hypocritical process of repentance, confession and baptism IF you intend to keep on living in sin as you did before? That type of repentance is NOT Biblical repentance! Who would you be deceiving? It would be YOU . . . NOT God! This crazy 'license to sin' garbage is just what the Devil wants . . . confusion. Do NOT listen to these heretics!
These Eternal Security opponents only mention The Lord's death, NOT His resurrection. Many of these people do NOT understand just what His resurrection achieved for us. They believe everything was done at the cross . . . and yes, He did PAY it all for us. He DID conquer death and sin for us, but what they do NOT understand is the new Spiritual beings that we become through His resurrection! He makes us perfect in the Father's sight and perfect beings that do not continue in sin. Eternal security opponents are NOT Born Again, so they just do NOT understand. They practice a form of religion; salvation by self-help, or salvation by their own effort salvation by works. The Biblical faith, grace, salvation . . . they simply cannot understand. They simply do NOT understand the basic and necessary element to our Spiritual birthing.
Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. (KJV) . . . This is SO, SO clear! What is it that these opponents do not understand? "There is NO condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus" . . . condemned is damned by Almighty God! Those without Christ are condemned to Hell!
IF there is no condemnation, there is no guilt. If there is guilt, then there is something wrong with our new birth. Those who feel guilty behave like Adam and Eve after their fall . . . they went and hid in the garden because they felt guilty. Born again Christians have been lifted out of guilt . . . there is now no further condemnation laid upon us. But, does this freedom under grace, give us a license to sin? NO! God gives NO child of His a permit to sin! Will we sin? YES! We would be liars and the Truth not in us IF we said we did not sin.
1 John 1:8-10 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. (KJV) . . . BUT. . . anyone who says they do not sin are saying that God is a liar, because He says we ARE sinners!
TRUE believers, what should our desire be? To sin or not to sin? A TRUE believer will NEVER want to sin . . . IF anyone wants to sin, there is great doubt that that person is saved. A TRUE child of God would hate to do anything that the Lord Jesus Christ would hate for you to do. A TRUE child of God hates to do anything that angers or displeases God in any way.
Eternal Security? OR A License To Sin?
??Do Christians Have A License to Sin??
POEMS On The Subject
OSAS, A License To Sin Is Stupidity, OSAS
Biblical Repentance
Dake's Damnable Heresies
Dan Corner's Damnable Heresies
Did Jesus Die, To Give Us A License To Sin?
?Do Sins Have To Be Forsaken To Be Saved?
Is Eternal Security . . . A License to Sin?
False Believers
God Does NOT Approve of His Children Sinning
God's GRACE Is NO License To Sin
Hypocrisy Runs Wild
IF I Am Forgiven, Why Not Sin?
Is ETERNAL SECURITY Really A License To Sin?
Jesus Died For The Ungodly
My Opinion On This Matter
Root? or Fruit? of a Believer's Faith
Scripture Verses Confirming OSAS
Turn From Sin To Be Saved
We ALL sin, Daily!
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